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©2000 The Society of Archbishop Justus, Ltd


Hallo again to all, as the Church moves into the most solemn week of the year. You may want to make use of our list of Holy Week resources; you'll see two new listings in New This Week as well.

The Golden Cockerel type fount gryphon ornamentWe're delighted that so many took the time to write and comment on our new design. Everyone seems to like it, quite overwhelmingly. We had many people ask 'Why the A drawing of the church at Little Gidding. gryphon?' This page will give you an idea of why we chose that mythological beast to figure largely in our site.

We welcome a number of parishes this week from England and the States, and we note the handsome site of St Mary's Priory Church in Abergavenny in Wales. It is especially cheering to see three new youth-related web sites. A new site devoted to Nicholas Ferrar and his early Anglican community at Little Gidding in England delighted us as well. You can find all the latest in New This Week.

People are fascinated by news, by what's new. Things that have changed recently somehow garner more of our attention than things that have not. The news in the Anglican world these A mediaeval altar painting of the crucifixionpast months has been tumultuous, and focused on our differences. One of the joys of Easter is that regardless of how we might differ in our beliefs about this and that, all of us believe that 'For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.' Even though we want you to read our News Centre, as we do every week, we ask that you focus on our common Anglican faith before you read news about our rough edges. Much of the time that we spend on Anglicans Online is on Sunday afternoon and evening, and it was very hard this week, after Palm Sunday services, to focus on the here and now.

And the here and now is Holy Week. Most of us this week will be taking part in the liturgies surrounding the last days of Our Lord's life on this earth. We shall be quite conscious of time and its passing during these days, but as the Church of England's greatest poet-priest wrote:

The whole life of Christ was a continual passion; others die martyrs, but Christ was born a martyr ... his birth and his death were but one continual act, and his Christmas-day and his Good Friday are but the evening and morning of one and the same day. John Donne

We shall see you next week, dear friends, on the other side, in Easter light.

Cynthia McFarland's signature
  Brian Reid's signature
Cynthia McFarland
  Brian Reid

Last updated: 16 April 2000
URL: http://anglicansonline.org