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©2000 The Society of Archbishop Justus, Ltd


Hallo again to all.

When Anglicans Online first decided to become a serious international publication, outgrowing its regional homespun roots, we were always amazed when we learned that anybody at all read our little publication. We're now more than five years old, we have close to 150,000 readers, and we're part of the religious press establishment. We get included on the distribution of press releases. Media people and spin doctors send us things. We are often amazed by the partisan content of some of the press releases: we are not jaded professional journalists; we are devoted Anglicans who do this because we love our church and we love what this new medium of theSee text for Blake painting (below) Internet can do for it.

One of the larger parts of the Anglican Communion is ECUSA, the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. It is gearing up to hold its General Convention in Denver this summer, a meeting of amazing complexity, size, cost, and duration. While some churches hold their synods on consecutive biblon  mega kakon megaweekends or for most of a week, the General Convention consumes two full weeks. The vast majority of deputies to it have been holding group discussions via email for many months now. The 'Blue Book' of materials for it is entirely online. We wonder how many more years it will be before the General Convention can be shorter, smaller, and cheaper because most of the details can be worked out online beforehand. As a reader of Anglicans Online, you know the power of online communication. This will be the first General Convention in which a majority of the deputies are experienced internet users. Watch with us over the next three years as this realisation seeps into the attitudes of the deputies and planners. (And perhaps even the bishops!)

Speaking of bishops, we turn to their sees and welcome to the web the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld, and Dunblane in Scotland and a vast array of parish and cathedral sites in Scotland. We Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entratehave eight new parish sites in the USA, five in England, and one in the Netherlands. You can find them all in our New This Week section.

Over in the News Centre this week there's not a lot going on, but we promise that if you read all of this week's stories you will laugh aloud at least once.

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland's signature
  Brian Reid's signature
Cynthia McFarland
  Brian Reid

Last updated: 14 May 2000

Credit: Jerusalem, by William Blake (ca. 1820). Collection of Mr Paul Mellon, Yale Center for British Art.