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Hallo again to all.

The 73rd ECUSA General Convention and the Church of England General Synod both completed their business last week. Not very many news reports have come out of the C of E Synod, but there is an The avalanche of General Convention newsavalanche about GC 2000, so much so that you may need help in sifting through it. If so, do see our GC2000 coverage. If, for whatever reason, you think that our coverage is biased or incomplete, we've tried to provide links to everybody else who covered GC2000 online, so that you can also read what they have to say about it.

The predominant issue at both gatherings was, of course, sex and sexuality. Can women be priests? Can they be bishops? What is the relationship between sexuality and morality? Does the Bible more strongly support inclusion or exclusion? Is unity more important than doctrine? So far, just a few days after the end of the events, observers whose position is not polar seem to think that the results are inconclusive, while observers whose position is at one pole or another seem to think that others at the opposite pole made too much progress.

Anglicans Online tries not to express public opinions about doctrine, but we do express public opinions about the use of technology in the church. We're rather in the middle in our opinion about ECUSA's use of technology, and haven't yet been able to find any use of it by the C of E for us to comment on. ECUSA did better than three years ago, but not as well as, say, the Anglican Church of Canada or the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, each at its own national gathering.

Archbishop Robert Alexander Runcie
Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie
102nd Archbishop of Canterbury

Many of you have probably heard of the death last week of Lord Runcie, the 102nd Archbishop of Canterbury. Pity we don't publish obituaries about people whilst they are still alive; we think RAKR would enjoy seeing the outpouring of news and reflections about him. If you didn't know Lord Runcie, you can get a clear sense of the man from reading what has been written about him: it's all linked in our News Centre. If you have time for nothing else, do read the essay by Andrew Brown, published in The Independent (but which didn't make it to their web site). He begins this way:

Robert Runcie was a good man doing an impossible job in a bad time. Very probably, he was the last Archbishop of Canterbury who had the stature and the experience to be an integral part of the establishment in its secular sense. But his public position was not nearly as remarkable as his personal qualities. It's not the bloody establishment that matters: almost everyone who knew him will feel today that they would swap half the British constitution to have him back.

If you don't know about the recent release of a new Harry Potter book you quite probably are living in a cave. Last week Canterbury Cathedral staff rejected a request to use that cathedral as the set for a School of Magic in a Harry Potter movie being made. This week's News Centre has a truly macabre story out of Tanzania about the problems associated with real-life attempts at magic in Africa.

This week we welcome web sites for the Diocese of West Malaysia and the Diocese of Nevada, along with a number of parishes round the communion. And we note that the Archbishop of Canterbury is looking for a press secretary and the Episcopal Church in the USA continues to seek a Director of Communications. Surely some of our readers are qualified for one or the other?

See you all next week.

Cynthia McFarland's signature
  Brian Reid's signature
Cynthia McFarland
  Brian Reid

Last updated: 16 July 2000