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St Paul's, Kincumber, a parish in the Diocese of NewcastleHallo again to all.

This week we bring you a number of new parish sites from round the communion. Just a bit over one hundred.One parish has a monument to a man whose life spanned three centuries, dying in 1706 aged 127; another parish has a stunning church building that only survived by becoming a student centre at a university; another parish is in a diocese that is variously called Lebombo, Lemombo, and Dos Libombos. It's well worth your while to spend some time visiting parish sites, which might sometimes be lost in the flurry of Anglican news or more glossy diocesan sites.

HM Queen Elizabeth
The Queen Mother in 1925

Recently HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother celebrated her one hundredth birthday. One of the official celebrations occurred at St Paul's Cathedral in London; here is one delightful reflection about that event.

Another reflection we bring you this week is by Pierre Whalon, a regular columnist here at Anglicans Online. This month he discusses the surprising fuss surrounding resolution D039, recently passed by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in the USA.

The ambitious Common Worship project in the Church of England has moved another step forward with the release this week of PDF files of the new text. The News Centre this week has stories from Britain, Nigeria, Uganda, Canada, USA, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. The unpleasant Sharia situation continues in Nigeria. Do have a look at the News Centre.

Last week we used this world map with an unconventional orientation. Our purpose was to get a bit of a smile while we were talking about Australia and New Zealand, and at the same time to draw attention to the difference between This side up.God's reality and humans' customary thinking. Nowhere in the Bible, nor anywhere in canon law that we know about, is there any statement about whether a map should have north or south at the top. There is nothing intrinsic about north. It's just custom. (Because of the rotation of the earth there are some sensible reasons not to use east or west at the top.) We were intrigued by the number of people who sent us helpful messages pointing out that we had our map upside down. No one was rude about it, but all were quite sure that this map was wrong. We understand that it's not what you're used to looking at (unless you live in the Southern hemisphere, where such maps are not uncommon). But it's every bit as right, and as natural, as the orientation that has North pointing up. It's just not as customary.

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland's signature
  Brian Reid's signature
Cynthia McFarland
  Brian Reid

Last updated: 13 August 2000