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Hallo again to all.

Every week when we publish Anglicans Online, we look for patterns or themes in the Anglican events of the previous week. Sometimes we find them and sometimes we don't. This week—at nearly the end of real summer in the badge of British Nigerianorthern hemisphere and nearly the end of real winter in the southern—found us perplexed. But then we saw something: there is, globally, a lot of churn about the relationship between church and state. In Nigeria, the Sharia situation is creating an Islamic government in a country with millions of Christians. In England, both the church and the government are often found reflecting on just how much the Church of England should have to do with England. The United States, which was founded on a principle of the separation of church and state, supposedly has the highest percentage of religious believers of any developed nation. The Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth (UK), has written a fascinating 'Credo' about the difference between state religion and religious statesmen. Find it in our News Centre. logoWe're delighted at the launch of the new web site for Africa News Online. We have worked hard for years to find news of Anglicans in Africa and tell you about it. The Internet made this possible, but this new web site will make it hovering over the South Polealmost easy.

A great number of you had a good bit to say on the subject of the map with the nonstandard orientation. Rather than answer you individually, we'll note that the map had the orientation of a celestial or star map with the south at the top; to visualise it correctly you must imagine lying on your back, on the ground, with your head pointing towards the South pole and the map projected on a sphere above you. If you own a transparent globe you can see this easily by peeking through the globe at the inside of the opposite part. 'The Sun in the Church', HeibronOne of your editors is at the moment fascinated by a recent book on the church and astronomy, called 'The Sun in the Church: Cathedrals as Solar Observatories', by J J Heilbron. We'll stop before we start rattling on about meridian lines...

Speaking of items in churches, Jane Olds in the UK has found herself in the position of substitute sacristan for a month and is quite anxious to hear from someone who could tell her about the accustomed duties of the position. You can reach her at, if you can help.

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland's signature
  Brian Reid's signature
Cynthia McFarland
  Brian Reid

Last updated: 20 August 2000