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Hallo again to all.

If you have read any Anglican news at all in the last year, you know that institutional churches are having difficulties around the world, for various reasons. One of the hardest-hit churches is the Anglican Church of Canada. This week we learned that, as part of its financial problems, it has let go David Harris, the editor of the Anglican Journal. David Harris is one of the best editors in the world, Anglican Journaland under his leadership the Anglican Journal became one of the best religious publications in the world. We know that the staff left behind are capable people, and we are confident that they will be able to keep the greatness in the Anglican Journal, but losing David Harris is a real blow. Even the people who strongly disagreed with him seemed to read his publication. Meanwhile, over in London, the Telegraph (a commercial newspaper) has discontinued its religious columnist, Clifford Longley. It is a bad week for religious journalism in the Anglican world.

Cardinal RatzingerNearly every newspaper in the world had something to say about the document released this week by the Vatican that says, in essence, that only the Roman Catholic Church is actually a church. Well, The Church. We have gathered in our News Centre an extensive collection of articles about this event, including the original document, official replies, journalistic replies, and various analyses. (No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.)

As you have surely noticed, Anglicans Online publishes columns from time to time by people whose work we believe will be of global interest. Sometimes those columnists will provoke a reply that itself is worth publishing; for this purpose we have created the AO Forum, in which we will publish replies that, in our opinion, deserve to be seen. This week we have a reply by Ronald Young to a previous column by the Reverend Tony Clavier.

This week we post two notices on our new Professional Exchanges page, one notice from a rector in Australia and the other from an organist and choirmaster in London. If you'd like to consider a holiday exchange, have a look at our page for details. And see New This Week for all that's, well, new.

The technology of the internet does not make it very easy to measure readership. It's rather hard to tell by looking at the records just how many people have been to a site. To measure more accurately would require that we use cookies, which we know a lot of people don't like. Whatever meaning the numbers might have, we know that when they double, that there are twice as many people reading as before. We noted this week that the daily and weekly and monthly totals for Anglicans Online readership are twice what they were a year ago. Our best readership estimate is that about 250,000 people read Anglicans Online these days, though not necessarily every week. We're delighted.

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland's signature
  Brian Reid's signature
Cynthia McFarland
  Brian Reid

Last updated: 10 September 2000