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Hallo again to all.

Canterbury? Next?We're immensely pleased that 'Archbishop of Canterbury' isn't an elected position. Two of your editors, resident in the States, are unutterably weary of anything to do with ballots, and the conge d'elire sounds just ducky to us right now.

The saintly William Wilberforce

But if you could vote for the next ABC, who would be your choice from the bench of bishops? Andrew Brown gives you a rundown of five front-runners in 'The Next Archbishop of Canterbury' at Ship of Fools. Don't miss it. None wears gaiters. And we don't think that any of the candidates could be called 'audacious'.

No doubt some archbishops deserve the adjective audacious, but perhaps fewer now than formerly; our age seems to have bred out of itself some of the more colourful and eccentric characteristics once judiciously leavened throughout the church. Two Anglicans in Canada are determined to award the descriptor 'audacious' where it is due, and are planning a book called 'Audacious Anglicans'. You can read their precis and suggest names of men and women in the last 300 years or so who have made a difference in the world.

Simon's Suffolk ChurchesIn New This Week are several new parish sites and an ambitious review of almost 500 Suffolk churches: Simon's Suffolk Churches, An Alternative Guide to the Churches of Suffolk. This is a delight, even though the copious (but often very good) photos sometimes make a page slow-loading. But you can look forward to crisp assessments, with warnings where appropriate:

'But to get to this church, you must find it first. Only Depden is more hidden. No road goes within a mile of St Mary, and only by a handpainted sign by a ploughed field on the busy Needham Market to Stowmarket road would you ever know it was there. An asphalt track leads through the field; but, unless you have a Land Rover or farm vehicle, I do not recommend that you drive along it. Or perhaps the reward of seeing St Mary would be worth the risk of losing your exhaust'.

Then follows his description of St Mary, Badley, whose remoteness seems to contribute to its charm.

Over in the News Centre, not so very far from here, we have scrupulously avoided any mention of US presidential politics, but it is hard sometimes to separate politics and religion. We haven't said much in recent months about Sharia, but the situation in Nigeria continues to degenerate, and another Nigerian state is within weeks of adopting that code of Islamic law. The Nigerian state of Kano has already announced plans to flog journalists whose work they do not like. We wonder if anyone has ever told a press officer to remove a press release from the web or run the risk of being flogged? Press officers, after all, are paid to flog, not be flogged.

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland's signature
  Brian Reid's signature
Cynthia McFarland
  Brian Reid

Last updated: 12 November 2000