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UK and Europe, Canada, the USA, and around the world. And there's a page for Anglican-related denominations not in communion with the See of Canterbury.

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general links for clergy and lay, pages for youth ministers and young Anglicans, and a section on music.

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Hallo again to all this Third Sunday of Advent.

Recently I received an enquiry about whether we could indicate 'new' sites at Anglicans Online. As I wrote in September, just after
we became responsible for this site, the difficulty with putting new labels on is not so much the initial work, but the perplexing deicision of how long to leave up such a label. On the other hand, many visitors quite reasonably would like to see quickly what's changed each week. As a sort of Anglican middle way, I've added a 'New This Week' page that lists the URLs we've added to the site during the Sunday update. The roster will remain up for a week. Do email me and let me know what you think of this feature.

To highlight some of those new sites:
Episcopal Life, the popular ECUSA monthly newspaper, finally has its web site up. Wait a bit for the first large graphic to load and you'll find quite a bit of good content there. Also in the US, the Diocese of Central New York is looking for someone to assist with stewardship and development and the University of California has marshalled a good site that contains reviews of software for computer-assisted biblical research. Over in Europe, there are high-level discussions amongst the Bishops of the four Anglican dioceses exploring new structures for European Anglicanism. Pop over to the Diocese in Europe site and follow the link from 'Lambeth 98'.

Many of you will remember the popular US-based Episcopal site
'Welcome Links'. Alas, it appear their links were no longer welcome, for the site has been removed from the ISP that hosted it. The 'Welcome Links' forum -- a web-based messaging area -- was certain to be missed and is now happily resurrected by a contributor and named 'EpiscoTalk'. Have a look (and perhaps a write).

Finally, some of you might be interested in a little Anglicans Online data: There are about 1,500 links from these web pages (whew!) and we try to check all of them at least once a month, so you won't get '404 File Not Found's when you try to link to a site. And on the incoming end, about 4,000 people visit Anglicans Online every week (that's separate IP addresses, not hits). We're honoured that so many of you stop by and use these pages as your first source of information about the Anglican Communion. Advent blessings to everyone of you 4,000!

See you on Advent IV.

Cynthia McFarland

Last updated: 14 December 1997
This web site is maintained privately by
volunteers. It is not a sanctioned organ of any official church body, though does list links to official church sites and documents. ©1997 Society of Archbishop Justus