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Hallo again on this First Sunday after Christmas. My dear friends, I received the unexpected and unwelcome gift of the 'flu on Christmas Eve, so I can't summon the energy for any commentary this week. But you will find all the new links we've received in New This Week, and I'm sure you'll enjoy browsing amongst the offerings.

I have a correspondent who is interested in ideas for a parish Epiphany party. If you have Internet resources or ideas to hand, would you email
me directly and I shall pass them on to her? (If the collection is varied enough, I shall post the links and ideas here at Anglicans Online.) Another correspondent has asked for a chat room connected with Anglicans Online. I wonder whether you would find this a useful service, since there are several Anglican-orientated chat rooms on the Internet already. Please email me if you feel strongly one way or the other. Thanks.

Although most of us follow the rhythm of the church's year, we can't but be aware of the temporal calendar as well. Thus nodding for a moment to that calendar, we
wish every visitor a blessed and happy 1998. In this new year, may God watch over and protect this part of the Holy Catholic Church called 'The Anglican Communion'.

See you next Sunday.

Cynthia McFarland

Last updated: 28 December 1997
This web site is maintained privately by
volunteers. It is not a sanctioned organ of any official church body, though does list links to official church sites and documents. ©1997 Society of Archbishop Justus