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Hallo again to all. Thanks to the many of you who wrote and sent wishes for my getting better: it is happening. (Never quickly enough, of course.)

Now to some new resources. (You'll find the overview, as always, at
New This Week.) It is almost Epiphany, and my call for ideas for parish Epiphany parties brought some intriguing responses, which are collected here. I had asked opinions about chat rooms and a number of you suggested publicising links to existing sites, which we've done here. We're still considering the possibility of a chat room here at Anglicans Online; we'll keep you informed.

The Episcopal Church in the USA continues to deal with the 'Pecusa Inc' controversy. We've linked several
sources of information on the 'Hot Issues' pages for those of you who want to follow this situation.

Staying within ECUSA, Christ Church parish of Alexandria, Virginia is celebrating its
CCXXV, as they like to term it -- their 225th anniversary -- making it one of the older of parishes in the States. You might like to have a look at their year-long festivities; a well-planned roster it is.

Moving offshore, the
Diocese of Barbados is online and St Peter's Cathedral, in Adelaide, Australia, has a home page. We welcome the Lyons Anglican Church in Lyons, France, as well.

Many of you will remember James Kiefer's wonderful Christian historical biographies, which were linked, for years, to a site at the University of Louisville (Kentucky, USA). Apparently that site is now closed and the biographies, to the best of my ability to determine, are not at the moment available on the Web. We shall make every effort to see whether we can acquire those files and upload them to the same server that hosts Anglicans Online. They are a most valuable resource and they should have a permanent home. If any of you know more about their current Web whereabouts, do let me know. (Update: As of 6 January, the biographies are again available at

We received two interesting pieces of email last week, one signed and one not. As much as I suppose I should not pay attention to unsigned mail, I read the post, which took me to task for having a link to the 'Pecusa Inc.' web site from Anglicans Online, suggesting it was inappropriate (a little more colourfully than that). The other post raised some thoughtful questions about our linking a bookshop that had, to the writer's mind, some questionable New Age offerings. Both of these posts have caused us to realise we should publicise our Anglicans Online editorial policy, which has always been informal (if clear to us all here at the Society of Archbishop Justus). In the next few weeks we'll polish it and publish it. (We promise it won't be too long or too dull.)

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland

Last updated: 4 January 1998
This web site is maintained privately by
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