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general links for clergy and lay, pages for youth ministers and young Anglicans, and a section on music.

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Hallo again to all.

I was privileged yesterday to be at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on 10 January at the investiture of Frank Tracy Griswold as the 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the USA. I'm sure many of you will be interested in the service, and
we link here several resources already online, from a story in the Washington Post to Bishop Griswold's sermon at the service, the text of the Order of Service, and photos from the Episcopal News Service. I've written on my impressions of the service and included a few photos I took from the 'media gallery', along with some smashing photos by the Episcopal News Service.

Jumping from the US mainland to Australia, from the Sydney Morning Herald comes a story about the unexpected decision by the appellate tribunal of the Anglican Church of Australia regarding
lay presidency at the Eucharist. I think all of you will want to have a look at this.

From Canada we welcome the
Diocese of Western Newfoundland, which has come online with its home page. There are several US and Canadian parishes with web pages as well this week.

The life and work of Sister Lucia Wiley are explored in a fascinating web page. If you don't know who she is (and I didn't), do have a look. She is an artist particularly known for her splendid murals painted on the walls of several municipal buildings in the Western United States. She worked in true fresco, a daunting if spectacular technique.

'Anglo-Catholic Central' is a new web site devoted to interests of Anglo-Catholics round the world. There is a web forum, and several threads were going quite strong when I looked earlier this eveniing. Whether or not you agree with the particular emphasis of some of the postings, if you're interested in the heritage of Anglo-Catholicism, you might want to have a look at the site.

Remember, as always, we're delighted to receive news of interesting web sites you might find in your own browsing. You don't need to have a proprietary interest in a page to bring it to our attention. Just use the
'Add a Site' form.

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland

Last updated: 11 January 1998
This web site is maintained privately by
volunteers. It is not a sanctioned organ of any official church body, though does list links to official church sites and documents. ©1997 Society of Archbishop Justus