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Hallo again to all.

I think I shall begin with what I might call the disputatious links or perhaps more appropriately links to disputatious issues. From the UK comes a
hardhitting article in this Sunday's Independent (England) about Church of England's bishops and finances. And from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in the US comes an interview with Bishop William Wantland about the matter of Pecusa Inc. now in the courts.

Moving to more peaceful links,
an evening of prayer will be held in Nagano at the 18th Winter Olympics, in which the Anglican-Episcopal churches of that city will participate. (The web page has information in both Japanese and English.) You might find it interesting to know that there are at least three Anglican-Episcopalians working in the Main Press Center in Nagano, where 2,800 newspaper, magazine and press agency journalists have gathered. These people are distributing information to the press, managing the operation of all Information Technology, and writing stories for a Japanese newspaper. (Thanks to Yoshi Mikami for this information.) If you're in Nagano on 13 February, do try to get to the evening prayer service.

Many of you will know the name of
Lesslie Newbigin, the great English scholar and ecumenist who died in London in January. A Newbigin web site with links to articles, books, and interviews has been put up by our friends at The Magazine of Christian Unrest (Ship of Fools), and we're delighted to see it, since information about Bishop Newbigin has been hard to come by on the web.

This week we welcome as usual a number of parishes and dioceses from around the communion, noting particularly the
Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast in ECUSA (which spans areas of both Alabama and Florida) and the Cathedral Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Sheffield, England. From Texas come two very different parish web sites. St David's in Austin, one of the oldest Western American parishes, takes a dignified and elegant approach to its site and St Mark's in Rosenberg (near Houston) has served up a unique and -- words almost fail -- highly unusual set of pages. (If you've not had your morning tea or coffee, this site might energise you.)

Do check the
New This Week page for the complete rundown of recent-to-us URLs. And please keep in mind that most of the links at Anglicans Online come from web sites you've made known to us. We do our best to scout for you, but a very great deal of the information you read here has been brought to our attention first. Please keep doing so!

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland

Last updated: 8 February 1998
This web site is maintained privately by
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