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©1999 The Society of Archbishop Justus, Ltd

Hallo again to all. I find myself childishly pleased with the variety of new sites we bring to your attention this week. Jumping in unceremoniously, you can find highlights of the recent meeting of the Anglican Church of Canada's Council of General Synod, a Canadian web site for those most important and often behind-the-scenes police chaplains, and a fascinating glimpse of the upcoming Niobrara Convocation in the States. (Be sure to browse the top-level web site, sioux.org. But beware, you may lose at least an hour of your time.)

For those of you considering a Bible CD, the New York Times features a timely review of the offerings. Looking for something particularly mentally challenging this Lent? You might like to download the Elizabethan Homilies, now available. I liked the intriguing title of this sermon: 'An information of them which take offence at certaine places of holy Scripture'.

If you want to heap, rather than take, offence at, say, a dreadful Christian bumper sticker or, better, bestow praise on a person deserving of it, head over to Ship of Fools first awards ceremony. You've only a few more days for nominations, and then voting will take place online 18 March. Surely we can all think of people we'd nominate for 'Least Embarrassing Christian of the Year'. Or perhaps 'Spiritual Leader Least Likely to be Mistaken for Christ'? Brian Reid hints playfully that this week's News Centre contains a story about the Bishop of Liverpool actively looking for candidates. And it seems entirely appropriate to end a paragraph whose topic sentence mentions Ship of Fools with the mention that there is a book of liturgy for animals; learn about it, and how to order it, in the News Centre. Oh, yes, there is news there too.

We often receive enquiries along the lines of 'What is the Church's position on ...' Until now there have been few online sources at which to point, but the Church of England has developed a new section on its web site, called 'The Church of England's views on...' You might want to bookmark this.

We have a correspondent who is interested in knowing whether St Mary's School in Shanghai still exists. If you can help, please email tbowerfind@us.edu.

Don't forget to make use of our Lenten resources page, as we move ever closer to the holiest week in the Christian year.

This just in: As I was completing this letter (after 2am Eastern Time in the States), a post alerting us to the web site for St John's Cathedral, Hong Kong (The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui) came into our mailbox. The web pages have had only 54 visitors since January, so do go visit and swell their statistics. It's a lovely site and a cathedral with a fascinating history. <Yawn, it's now 2.21am. Goodnight, all.> Good grief, it's 1:21 a.m. here in California. Me too.

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland

Last updated: 14 March 1999
URL: http://anglican.org/online