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©1999 The Society of Archbishop Justus, Ltd

Hallo again to all.

Last week much Anglican-related news was focussed on the release of the latest document by the Anglican Roman Catholic International Committee, The Gift of Authority. In our News Centre, Brian Reid has assembled all the relevant links and news stories we could find that relate to the ARCIC document. You'll also find that we've done some housework and reorganisation of our news pages, and Brian will have more to say about that.

We highlight again the soon-to-occur celebrations in honour of the 450th anniversary of the 1549 Prayer Book. You'll find links to the two events of which we are aware--one in New York, at General Theological Seminary and one in Oxford, at Christ Church--in our General Resources section.

ECUSA's indefatigable Louie Crew has allotted a section of his Anglican web pages to articles on issues that are likely to be of importance at the next General Convention, (which occurs in July 2000). The writers thus far are from various places on the theological spectrum, and include Richard Holloway, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church and Bishop John Howe, of Central Florida.

Last week in the News Centre you may have read that the Rt Revd Steven Charleston was leaving his position as chaplain of Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, USA to become dean of Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Not unnaturally, Trinity College is now seeking a new chaplain. There is no web page up yet at the college web site, but you can contact Sharon Herzberger, Vice President for Student Services, sharon.herzberger@mail.trincoll.edu for more information.

The News Centre has divided itself into a larger number of files. The listings of online resources of various kinds used to be at the bottom of the News Centre index page; now they are in their own files. This makes everything load faster. We now have a page devoted to listing diocesan and national newsletter web sites. I am quite certain that we have omitted more such sites than we have included. Please tell us about any that we have missed. One of our criteria for listing a newsletter is that it must be structured so that one can link to it. There are various ways that one can make a web site that cannot be linked to. Commercial newspapers often do it intentionally, and church newsletters often do it by accident.

Also this week we have completely restructured our listing and coverage of the churches that are not part of the Anglican Communion. Every time we make any changes to these listings we get an amazing number of angry email messages, but we're determined to get it so that people who do not have graduate degrees in church history can understand.

Brian, who was born in Ohio and who lives in California, would really appreciate an explanation from someone versed in English humour as to why, exactly, this week's Church Times cartoon is funny. Cynthia, who came of age in Yorkshire, is already asleep, or I'd ask her.

See you next week.



Cynthia McFarland

Brian Reid

Last updated: 16 May 1999
URL: http://anglican.org/online/