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©1999 The Society of Archbishop Justus, Ltd

Hallo again to all. As a student and devotee of church history, dead bishops, and long-gone theological controversy, I'm delighted by all manner of sites this week. Bruton Parish in Williamsburg, Virginia (formed in 1674, ancient for the States) is online and St John's in Glencoe, Ontario offers a complete and most interesting history on its site, including pages noting those in the parish who served in the World Wars and those who have proceeded to Holy Orders.

An ambitious effort called Project Canterbury is putting online critical Anglican materials or linking to existing documents. At present there are quite a number of the Oxford Tracts (including the infamous Tract 90), biographies of Anglican worthies, and a number of key texts, amongst them Jeremy Taylor's Holy Living and Holy Dying to Saepius Officio, the Answer of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Bull Apostolicae Curae of H. H. Leo XIII. (Is anyone aware of Saepius Officio in the original Latin on line? We're not, so if you are, please let us know.) This eminently worthwhile project could use volunteers, and you'll find contact information at the web site. Don't you have a few hours you could spare typing or scanning important Anglican materials?

Staying with the Oxford Movement and its repercussions for the moment, Archbishop Keith Rayner recently spoke on the future of Catholic Anglicanism. St Peter's in Melbourne, where he spoke, has put on the Web the address in its entirety.

We bid a welcome to the Diocese of Wellington (New Zealand), the Royal Army Chaplains' Department (UK), along with several parish sites from Canada to New Zealand.

And speaking of things Antipodean, ... [Brian seizes the keyboard]

Cynthia, you studied Classics at university. I'm an engineer. "Antipodean" sounds like a political movement for people opposed to people who have feet. But whatever "Antipodean" means (heh), there's a lot of news from the other side of the earth this week. The Australians have a new prayer book. The Kiwis have a new diocesan web page. There are several good news stories in Diocesan newsletters from Down Under.

But the big news, the BIG news, is that Vegemite, that food that defines what it means to be an Australian, may be produced from genetically modified yeast that has not been grown on Anglican church property. Your News Centre editor ate food from university vending machines for much of the time he was working on his doctoral dissertation; he is utterly unafraid of genetically modified food. It is unquestionably safer than, say, microwave cheeseburgers or diet soft drinks. But do enjoy the news about Australia, genetic modification, Parliament, ordained women, fraudulent saints, and climbing genetically modified trees to get a better view.

See you next week.

Cynthia McFarland
Brian Reid

Last updated: 25 July 1999
URL: http://anglicansonline.org