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This page last updated 5 April 2005
Anglicans Online last updated 20 August 2000

Letters to AO

EVERY WEEK WE PUBLISH a selection of letters we receive in response to something you've read at Anglicans Online. Stop by and have a look at what other AO readers are thinking.

Alas, we cannot publish every letter we receive. And we won't publish letters that are anonymous, hateful, illiterate, or otherwise in our judgment do not benefit the readers of Anglicans Online. We usually do not publish letters written in response to other letters.

We edit letters to conform with standard AO house style for punctuation, but we do not change, for example, American spelling to conform to English orthography. On occasion we'll gently edit letters that are too verbose in their original form. Email addresses are included when the authors give permission to do so.

If you'd like to respond to a letter whose author does not list an email, you can send your response to Anglicans Online and we'll forward it to the writer.

Letters from 27 March to 3 April 2005

Like all letters to the editor everywhere, these letters are the opinions of the letter writers and not Anglicans Online. We publish letters that we think will be of interest to our readers, whether we agree with them or not. If you'd like to write a letter of your own, click here.

Gateway to Holy Communion?

I am a 15-year-old Episcopalian from Baltimore, Maryland. Recently, I have taken an Anglo-Catholic point of view. I have started to venerate and pray to Our Lady. I have also started to say the Anglican Rosary to God and Our Lady. I pray the Angelus (Regina Coeli since we are in Eastertide). My church is not Anglo-Catholic, but I practice all of the these devotions in my own private spiritual life.

As taking this Anglo-Catholic point of view I have started to show more reverence for the Holy Eucharist. I understand that it is the central part of Anglican/Episcopalian worship. I also know that the wine and host changes into Our Lord's physical Body and Blood. I have a question though. Do Anglicans/Episcopalians have an official First Communion as Roman Catholics do?

My first time taking Communion was when I was Confirmed. I had taken it once or twice before that, but after my Confirmation was really when I started taking Communion on a regular basis. Is there a specific age when children are supposed to have Communion? Or can you take it whenever you want? I was just wondering this because I know that, to Roman Catholics, First Communion is part of becoming a member of the church.

Phillip Clark
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
28 March 2005

Hushed reverence, not noisy haggling

With regard to the family of Terri Schiavo, may there be a reconciliation between the parents and Terri's husband.

With regard to the onlookers of the Terri Schiavo situation: May each one be aware of his/her distance from the heart of the family, which was forged in the fire 15 years ago. May each one step back far enough to realize there IS a distance between an outside onlooker and a family insider and have compassion for those who have been at the heart of this sad story from the beginning of its end, 15 years ago.

Our democracy demands and expects a variety of opinions, as long as they are offered with charity, compassion, humility and an awareness of grace — the cost of grace and its priceless benefit. May the sense of the word 'eternal' be forever linked with the word 'life'. As a long and painful chapter gives way to the beginning of a story as old as the creation, may the words from our Prayer Book remain front and center:

...cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name, through Christ our Lord.

Under this spirit, there is no room for the noisy and free-for-all nature of the haggling that has been taking place, where there should only be a hushed reverence for the 'still, small voice' that has never left Terri Schiavo's side and will continue to guide her.

Maggie Hurll
St. David's-in-the-Pines Episcopal Church
Royal Palm Beach, Florida, USA
1 April 2005

Earlier letters

We launched our 'Letters to AO' section on 11 May 2003. All of our letters are in our archives.


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